Checking In...

This issue, I am not checking into a hotel or a destination but rather, checking in with you.
It's been six months since I launched Jilux and I am really interested in hearing your feedback. I love hearing from you regularly on content that really resonates and so I figured I'd dedicate this six-month issue to you.
Is there a particular destination you'd like me to share?
What about a hotel or resort?
Are there areas within travel you're curious about? Products, food, wine...
What about a personality in travel?
Do you have thoughts on luxury travel that you'd like to share or queries you'd like debunked?
What about any destinations, hotels, personalities or products you want to introduce me to?
I strive toward being an open book (I guess open email) through Jilux so look forward to hearing your thoughts, in order to continue and share content that is not just engaging and mutually beneficial, but also genuine, inspiring and a reminder to live your journey.
P.S. If you continue to resonate with Jilux, I'd love for you to share with a friend, aunt, uncle, cousin, sister, brother, grandparent, colleague... you get the point. Your support is everything.